Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Exercise - yes, but when

So I am struggling to find time to exercise for a long while now. With a full time job, family and having two kids in the ages I have, 6 and 18 mos, it is not easy to stay fit. I mean who has the energy too... since I am so exhausted by the time bedtime for kids rolls around that it is totally impossible to go for a walk or hop up on a tread mill. Yeah, I make plans and schedule time to do so, but energy is missing and I can't go through with the plans I make.
Ok so maybe I should get up early to exercise before the kids are up and about. Well no can't do; as it is I function on half the sleep I should be getting and am still managing to stay sane :)
So what should I do? Hmm this seems like an excuse for not exercising but I seriously need more time in my day. who doesn't?!

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